I lied. We didn’t start cutting wheat today thanks to some heavy dew this morning and nothing but clouds all day. Maybe tomorrow the husband will get to fire up that beloved John Deere combine and get to do what he does best. I know he is chomping at the bit and harvest is his favorite time of year, and mine too surprisingly seeing as how the days are long and the tensions high. It is so fast paced and crazy that once it’s over we feel like we are spinning. Since I have a little more time today I figured I would introduce us a little better. Although, I already told you that cow manure is highly present in our lives, so what else really is there to say?!


I am a small town girl born and raised who fell heart first into the crazy life of being married to a farmer/rancher. I met my husband when I was a senior in high school and the day he helped move me to college is the day he formally asked me to be his girlfriend. He will tell you he wasn’t afraid I would find someone else, but I think actions speak louder than words. 😉 Probably just like in some old movie, the small town girl at heart just couldn’t hack it in the big city and came home to marry her sweetheart. I couldn’t imagine my life any different but I had NO idea what I was getting myself into. A word of caution to all women out there who are brave enough to marry someone in this profession; if you at any time agree to learn how to operate equipment or perform any farm/ranch duties, just remember that you can’t unlearn it and he will know it! For the past month I have refused on almost a daily basis how to learn to drive the semi. That is not safe for anyone on the road and I really don’t want to be that person who manages to drive into the giant grain elevator. At least on the tractor there aren’t too many objects that I can destroy in the middle of a field.

Since we had our second baby four months ago, my time spent helping on the farm has greatly diminished. I have spent the last few months being about as domestic as it gets. Cooking, cleaning, a toddler on one hip and a baby that is pretty much constantly nursing are what my days look like. I am totally okay with that though because I know that this is a season in life that will be over much too soon and I will look back and miss these days.

Young Love

My husband. God bless his soul for putting up with me let alone loving me unconditionally. I’ll just tell you that I am a natural redhead and you can probably figure out the rest from there. There are so many things I could say about Jake, but to keep it short I will just tell you that he is the most hardworking, selfless, kind-hearted man I have ever met. He would do anything for anyone and never hesitates to help someone in need. He completely took over his family farm at 18 and in 7 years has managed to grow and improve it a tremendous amount.


This is Grady, my fiery little redhead who tests my patience every day. Before he was born I was terrified that he would have red hair because I have never met a redheaded boy who wasn’t ornery. I still haven’t because this kid is insane. He has a huge heart, sings his little lungs out at church, and just when you think it’s going to be a great day looking at his sweet smile…he picks up a turd with his toy pliers. I never really grew up with boys so he teaches me daily how to roll with the punches (literally sometimes) and that dirt is really fun after all.


Meet Porter, probably one of the happiest babies I have ever met. We were blessed with him this January. He is so sweet and is just full of ear to ear, toothless grins. Adding him to our family was such an easy transition and he makes our lives that much more fun.


Well, that’s us! Remember how I said Grady was ornery? Check out his face above and see what I mean!