Raise your hand if you love Lysa TerKeurst. Me too. A few months ago in bible study we read The Best Yes. Confession: I still haven’t finished the book, but I still loved it and got the main point. So I have been trying to be more thoughtful with what I say “yes” to and make sure that I’m using my time for what’s best for myself and my family.

A huge passion of mine is educating people about agriculture. I live in a small farming community and still we have people in this town who know very little about ag. Our 3-year-old started preschool this month and the school put out a bulletin looking for some volunteers. One of the things they were looking for was someone to bring in a calf to the school for the kids to see. I knew that was a best yes for me. We have the calf, I have the time, and it gives me an opportunity to educate kids.image

We went to three different classes and talked to each group of preschoolers. Every time I walked into the classroom I was greeted with a list of questions. I answered everything from “Do cows ride in car seats?” To “How many husbands do you have?”. For the record, just one. 😉

The kids absolutely LOVED Elsa. She was surrounded with 12 super excited toddlers at once and she just stood there munching on her grass like a good girl. They gave her kisses, stuck their fingers in her mouth, and counted her legs.image

Some of the kids had never seen a calf in person and it was so fun watching their expressions as they got to interact with her. It seems like such a little thing to show some little kids a calf, but for all of those kids who don’t know much about agriculture it could make a difference. They could have went home and told their parents what they learned and about how farmers love and care for their animals.

It’s so important to take even the smallest opportunities to be an advocate. Plus, I had an absolute blast doing it too!