This Week On The Farm…

Wheat drilling season is fast approaching and there is a lot of preparation that goes into getting ready. They have looked over the drills and greased them to make sure everything is working and ready to go. The seed wheat that we saved from this years harvest has been augured out of the bin and into the semi’s to be cleaned by the coop. We will plant the wheat that we plan to graze off before the wheat we plan to harvest. That way it has a little more time to grow before the cattle are put on it.

We are also getting ready to harvest fall crops like soybeans and milo. The combines and headers have been serviced so they are in good condition. This year there has been a problem with sugarcane aphids in the milo in this area. These bugs leave behind a honey like residue and can be very harmful to the plant, even resulting in full harvest loss . The residue that they leave behind can also be very hard on machinery and the farmer will have to stop frequently to clean out the combine of the sticky substance. Most people around this area have sprayed to kill the bugs and save the crop.
I like to think that when drilling and fall harvest is over we will get a bit of a break, but when those are over we will just be starting to wean calves. I found a picture the other day of a couple walking on a beach that had the caption “This could be us, but we own livestock.” I know exactly what they mean.
