The past week heaven has been flooded with my little boy’s name, and what a powerful feeling to know how many people are taking Porter’s name to the throne room in prayer.

We don’t really have many new answers, but we keep ruling things out. We are now to the point that we have to do a bone marrow aspiration. The doctor has been holding off as long as possible because it’s such an invasive procedure, but it’s to the point that we have nothing else to rule out. So tomorrow I will be expecting a call from a pediatric oncologist to schedule the procedure to see if my baby has leukemia. The good news that if it is cancer, we will have caught it early.

It is so evident to me on a daily basis just how much God has his hand in this. He is constantly putting people in our path who are a blessing and answer to our prayers. No matter what we find out, we know God is still good. All the time.

And if we find out that Porter has leukemia, we will continue to trust in his plan. He has us. He won’t leave us. He will never forsake us. And what a comforting feeling to know that. We so appreciate all of the prayers going up for him, and we are truly grateful!